Online Teaching Tools for Teachers - tickLinks Partner with Firki
  • Stories are fused with modern science to create discussion, reflection & understanding
  • Tools are provided to practice and induce good parenting

Last Registration Date : 12 Jun 21
Program fees Rs 600/- for
5 sessions of 90 min (one every week)

What is BHAV SUTRA program ?

Research studies show that - positive parenting can have significant impact on learning and development of children – including higher achievement across the grades and better social-emotional skills.


  • Equip parents to identify common situations and how to respond to these.
  • Acquire tools to practice and induce good parenting
  • Create a support group for parents to discuss without getting judged
  • Increase parental involvement in child’s development
  • Promote positive parenting skills

Program Topics

Part 1

  • Are you a good parent? Knowing Yourself as a parent
  • Fostering self-esteem
  • Why is my kid throwing tantrums? Tuning into your child
  • Help your children to be independent
  • How to talk so kids will listen

To be covered in Part 2 (not part of the current 5 sessions)

  • Is my child an introvert? Helping to make friends
  • Help your child to Focus
  • Is competition a good thing?
  • Charting your child’s future plans
  • Remember, kids are always watching


The program is built on principles of active learning. Stories and science are used as medium to create discussion, reflection & understanding – in a group of about 30 parents.

Parenting is a vast enterprise. Part-1 comprises 5 sessions of 90 min each to get you initiated.

How will it work ?

  • For parents with children of age about 3-8 years
  • 5 sessions – one session each week on Wed / Sat – 4 pm - 5:30 pm; Starting 19 Jun.
  • Sessions are led by a trained facilitator. Discussions in group are kept confidential.
  • This is an experiential workshop. The gap between sessions allow parents to internalize and apply their learning.
  • Zoom link will be shared in advance. Whatsapp group of participants will be made. Learning material will be shared.
  • Parents should be comfortable with English and Hindi.
  • Parents should ensure that they have internet connection and are available during the sessions.


  • Rs 600 for 5 sessions.
  • Seats are limited to 30 per group
  • Refund is allowed for cancellations done until 05 Jun 21.


This Bhavsutra program is being brought to you by makers of tickLinks. tickLinks is open community tool for teachers – designed to make education fun and relevant.
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